Error message

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in taxonomy_menu_trails_init() (line 102 of ites/all/modules/taxonomy_menu_trails/taxonomy_menu_trails.module).


From the sales point of view, Galeco  is first and foremost about PARTNERSHIP. Partnership in a relationship with a Client is understood as the concept that any potential problems  faced by our Client become our problems as well. This is the idea to which we have subordinated our operations.  Another principle is INDEPENDENT THINKING. Each case, every Client, and every person in our environment is entitled to their individual needs and expectations, and we satisfy such expectations with our decisions and actions, at the same time also satisfysing the inner need for self-fulfilment, always far away from schematic thinking.  The last of the most important aspect of the Sales Department is FINDING JOY IN WHAT WE DO. Work is one's duty, but it does not have to be an unpleasant duty. We try to find joy in what we create, which is directly translated into the positive effects of our actions.

The afore-mentioned values are the foundations of the approach we take towards each individual area of the Sales and Marketing Department:


  • MARKET PROXIMITY – Careful listening to sugesstions of Managers that work in the field and verifying our actions through marketing research make it possible to produce excellent solutions.
  • STRATEGY OF DIVERSIFICATION – We are experts in draining rain water, which makes it possible for us to provide unique solutions that are often better than current market standards.  This way, we stand out from our competition and provide our Clients with competitive tools.
  • QUICKNESS OF REACTION – Deicision-making in Galeco sometimes takes only between ten and twenty days, from the identifying of a product need, to estimating economic aspects and creating a new product.
  • INNOVATION – It is understood as a never-ending search for new solutions, in relation to products, technologies, or markets.


  • A GUTTER IS NOT JUST A PIECE OF PLASTIC OR METAL – A gutter system offers palpable advantages to an investor,  developer, or a contractor – In our promotion materials, we try to emphasise advantages, as they determine that we prefer a particular product over others. And Galeco products do not lack such qualities.
  • COMPREHENSIVENESS OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS – A promotion is comprised of several areas, and we terat each of them with equal respect.
  • SALES PROMOTIONS is a number of pro-sales programmes that are intended to stimulate sales of products or encourage contractors to recommend Galeco systems; information materials that support our Clients in selling of products, hundreds of displays and gadgets that are most popular with customers  
  • PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENTS are two inter-penetrating fields of activity, but together they create an effective means of conveying the message about our products and company to millions of recipients, every year. 
  • TRAINING provides a unique opportunity to establish a direct contact with contractors and to win them over to our solutions, but it is also a possibility to be verified by experts.  Training sessions are also an opportunity to learn about expectations of Clients. The fast decision-making chain mentioned above makes it possible to implement such expectations.


  • PARTNERSHIP - This is the safest way to ensure a long-term growth, through developing relationships with market partners and pursuing the common goal of maximising the advantages of selling Galeco systems. We pursue this goal by creating a selective network of distribution, based on warehouses that specialise in the construction of roofs.
  • ASSORTMENT – We have our own network of eight (8) Trade Offices that supply the full assortment of the products offered by the company. Even untypical colours and sizes are available for immediate delivery.
  • COMPETENCES  - Each Head of a Trade Office has wide authority to make commercial decisions, within the territory entrusted to them. Each Manager is independent in creating their own subordinate market, as part of the approved Sales Policy and Marketing Strategy. In Galeco 


  • ADJUSTMENT – Each market has its own preferences and we approach every one individually. Our product offers contains five (5) different gutter systems and each of them comes in many combinations of sizes and colours – in total, our offer includes over  1, 000 various items
  • TRUST – Cooperation on export markets is frequently based on mutual trust. In addition to formal procedures and signed contracts – which are essential in international trade – trust is also a significant factor of  success. As Galeco, we trust that our Partners will become involved in the development of the brand on a particular market, and our Partners trust that a good gutter system and a solid supplier will create foundations for a profitable business. For many years, we have cooperated with the same Partners on the majority of export markets - clearly, trust is the best policy.
  • PARTNERSHIPS – We invest into our own subsidiares, once we have seen sales potential and the possibility of effective development of a direct distribution network on a particular market. They are organised according to the model of our domestic commercial entities and  
  • SALES PROMOTION  - On the markets where where operate, we try to make potential clients and investors aware of our presence, either directly or through our distributors.  For many years, Galeco has been involved in the most important trade fairs events, among others in Budapest, Bucharest, Kiev, Moscow, or Paris.


100% Polish – We believe that a Polish manufacturer, a Polish concept, a Polish product, and Polish hard work guarantee  success in modern Europe, regardless of whether it is the Eastern or the Western part of Europe.

THE AWARDS won by the company prove that the market strategy implemented by Galeco simply works, while the SALES DYNAMICS serves as a notable confirmation of that fact.

And all that with a smile.