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About us

As a leading supplier of rainwater drainage systems, our company’s mission is to meet Client requirements through provision of professional services, engagement, enthusiastic approach, and continuous quest for modern solutions.

As we are driven by ethics, both our Client and employee satisfaction seem to be a matter of overriding importance.

Szczepan Buryło

President of the Board

Galeco Sp. z o.o. was established in 1996. It is a private business with a 100% Polish capital. Galeco is one of the companies that operate and develop under GALECO Rainwater Technology business group.

The company specialises in engineering, production, and distribution of rainwater drainage systems. The flagship products include gutter systems.

We started our operation with import of PVC systems, and then converted into production under our own brand. Wide range of products delivered by Galeco is a result of professional experience learnt through the entire period of operation as well as market research that was carried out scrupulously. Owing to close attention to the needs and meeting Client requirements, the company finally became one of the leaders of gutter systems in Poland.

The range of our products includes gutter systems made of  PVC - the oldest product in our offer. Galeco STAL is the most succesful system in Galeco both in demestic and foreign markets. We offer also economis system made of zink - Galeco LUXOCYNK and the youngest system in our range is Galeco HIDDEN GUTTER - dedicated to modern architecture. The complementary system - Galeco NOVA is a suffit with one of the best quality on the market. These are available in various sizes and colours.

Galeco gutter systems feature distinctive shape of the gutters which edges are turned up to the inside. This solution prevents from overflowing during heavy rains. It should be mentioned that outstanding mechanical strength and decolourisation resistance are attributed to our products. These are resistant to corrosion, acids, bases, salts, and other compounds that may be rainwater soluble.

Within the entire period of our operation, the area of activities has been systematically increased through opening new retail outlets. Currently, our Clients are provided with services through eight Regional Retail Outlets located in Gdyni, Mikołowie, Płocku. Poznaniu, Puławach, Tarnowie, Warszawie i Wrocławiu. Such territorial division ensures optimal deliveries of products and enables preserving full flexibility of our activities.

Incessant availability of goods in these locations guarantees convenient delivery system that has been developed and improved by our logistic specialists.

Galeco has been participating in foreign markets since 2001 focusing onto Russia and Ukraine. We have three subsidiaries - Galeco Hungaria in Hungary, Galeco Slovensko in Slovakia and Galeco Ukraine.  Additionally, the company operates in Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia, Czech Republic, Molodova, Romania, Iceland, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan. Our experience in export convinced us to make an attempt to enter English, Turkish and Tajik markets.

Profitable conditions for co-operation are offered by our company. Wide range of products, timely deliveries, and efficient settlements guarantee flourishing co-operation, thus success, on various grounds of activity.
The company counts on the quality of the products as well as experience and qualifications of our employees.

The quality is confirmed by ISO 9001 Quality Management System approved in 2004. This is the guarantee that all Galeco operations are driven to meet Client requirements.

Quality and reliability of the company are proved by numerous diplomas and certificates for quality, fairness, and trustworthiness.

The company’s philosophy is reflected in distinctive logo that underlines our optimistic approach. Our motto "a smile for rainy weather" suggests that a suitable solution may be found every time and a smile may help deal with adverse weather circumstances. This is our manner for the brand affirmative image. We want our brand name to be associated with a positive attitude.