Gutter system
Galeco LUXOCYNK System – steel in the price of PVC

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Galeco LUXOCYNK gutter system is a product based on effective solutions provided by Galeco STAL gutter system. LUXOCYNK is made of high-quality galvanised steel coated with protective organic and chromium layer forming solid, reliable, and dense coating that prevents steel against corrosion. This system is produced in the following sizes: 135/100,150/100 and 150/120. Its shapes and long components are analogous to approved Galeco STAL System.


LUXOCYNK gutters may be linked through the use of joiners or alternatively through soldering. Stylish uniform colour of Galeco LUXOCYNK, without so called "blooms" that are specific for galvanised plates, forms smart finishing of each type of building. Considering price-to-quality ratio, Galeco LUXOCYNK is the most economic solution available on the market. This system ensures high aesthetic values for years and this is why Galeco company issues 10-year guarantee for its product.

Colour scheme

Gutter type / pipe diameter
Colour RAL 120/90 135/90 135/100 150/100 150/120
L Natural silver (~ RAL 9023)          

Efficiency table

Gutter type / pipe diameter
Positions of the downpipe 120/90 135/90 135/100 150/100 150/120

60 m2

60 m2

110 m2

150 m2

150 m2

120 m2

120 m2

220 m2

300 m2

300 m2


Polska Norma PN-EN 612 - May 2006, „Roof gutters made of metal sheets with round reinforced front side rim and overlapped fall pipes”.

Polska Norma PN-EN 1462 - April 2006, „Handles for roof gutters. Requirements and examinations” – for hooks.

Our own declarations have been confirmed through testings that were carried out by Building Research Institute: testing reports no.:
LOW/019.1/2007, LOW/019.2/2007, LOW/108.1/2008, LOW-537.1/2009.