Galeco FLAT ROOF System – waterproofing and drainage

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Outlet baskets

Outlet baskets are auxiliary components for emergency drainage systems designed for flat roofs. The first type of basket is equipped with an outlet designed to connect a round pipe of diameter 100 mm in the Galeco STAL system. The second type can be connected with a square 80x80 mm drain pipe in the Galeco STAL².


Efficiency table

Model Diameter DN Performance in m2 at the traditional roof (1,0) Performance in m2 at the green roofs (0,5) Performance in m2 at the green roofs (0,3)
Trendy Prosty Bitumiczny 100 203 407 678
Trendy Skośny Bitumiczny 100 187 373 622
Easy GO Attykowy Bitumiczny 100 93 187 311
Easy Attykowy Bitumiczny 100 97 193 322

Parameters adopted for calculations in accordance with PN-EN 1253-2: 2015-03 - Sewer inlets in buildings.

  1. Main fall of 300 l / (s x ha),
  2. The height of water accumulation (water height above the gully):
    • 35 mm for DN50-DN100,
    • 45 mm for diameter DN125-DN200.
    • 80 mm for SitaEasy products
  3. Water runoff coefficients:
    • bituminous coatings, PVC, EPDM - 1.0,
    • gravel roofs, green up to 10 cm substrate - 0.5,
    • green roofs over 10 cm of substrate - 0.3.

Sets efficiency table

Name Traditional roof covered
bituminous felt or a roofing membrane.
Traditional or inverted green or gravel roof
serviced space in m2
BZO/PVC2 - SET 1 100 200
BZO/PVC2 - SET 2 300 600
BZO/PVC2 - SET 3 300 600
BZO/PVC2 - SET 4 100 200
BZO/PVC2 - SET 5 300 600
BZO/PVC2 - SET 6 300 600
STAL2 - SET 1 100 200
STAL2 - SET 2 300 600
STAL2 - SET 3 300 600
STAL2 - SET 4 100 200
STAL2 - SET 5 300 600
STAL2 - SET 6 300 600

Parameters adopted for calculations:

  • grooves mounted with a horizontal thrust from a 1mb drain tube
  • all performance measurements based on a mounted basket in accordance with PNEN1253-2
  • grooves with steel pipes glued on pipe connections and pipe / adapter
  • water runoff coefficient for a traditional roof 1.0 for green and gravel roofs 0.5
  • normative rainfall accepted for calculation 30 l / s x h

Connection with Galeco STAL² System

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the steel pipe 80x80/Horizontal projection

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the steel pipe 80x80/Horizontal projection

Connection with Galeco HIDDEN GUTTER System

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the pvc pipe 70x80/Horizontal projection

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the pvc pipe 70x80/Horizontal projection

Connection with Galeco PVC² System

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the pvc pipe 70x80/Horizontal projection

Cross-section of the attic gully connection with the adapter and the pvc pipe 70x80/Horizontal projection

Reinforcement of the rim, selection of the type and thickness of the insulation material as well as insulation method of the flat roof/terrace must be defined by the project designer or architect.